Assisted Living in Arkansas | FAQ

Assisted Living in Arkansas | FAQ

Finding the right assisted living care for your loved one is never easy. With so many things to consider, it can be difficult to make the best choice without sufficient information. AtBrookfield Assisted Living, comfort and compassion are at the core of who we are. We stop at nothing to ensure that our services provide a well-rounded lifestyle for all of our residents. We work hard so that all of our programs exceed expectations across the board.


Here are some common FAQs and additional information that will help you make the best decision.

FAQs About Senior Living and Memory Care at Brookfield Assisted Living


Q: Where are the Brookfield Assisted Living locations, and do their services differ?


A: Our locations include:


●      3 Highlands Crossing Dr., Bella Vista, AR 72715

●      2300 Fianna Oaks Dr., Fort Smith, AR 72908

●      205 Sawtooth Oak St., Hot Springs, AR 71901

All three of our locations provide the same top-notch services.



Q: What are some senior living and memory care services that Brookfield Assisted Living specializes in?


A: A few of our unrivaled services include dining programs, specialized memory care services for residents with Alzheimer's or another memory disease, and activity programs. All of our services are structured around meeting the unique needs and preferences of each and every resident. Each service provides residents with nothing short of what they need while also promoting socialization and good health.


Other basic services that come with our senior living and memory care program include:


●      Paid utilities

●      High-speed internet

●      Basic cable TV

●      Daily spot cleaning

●      Detailed weekly housekeeping

●      Laundry service

●      Specialized staff

●      24/7 professional care staff

●      Wellness checks

●      Activities designed by an activity director

●      Snacks and refreshments

●      Basic repairs and maintenance

●      Transportation to doctors' appointments and outings

●      Trained staff emergency call system


Q: What are some of the most popular activities offered?


A: Some of the most popular activities offered to our residents include daily exercise, arts and crafts, shopping trips, and live musical entertainment. These activities enhance the lives of our residents and help encourage them to be as involved as they can in enriching experiences.


Q: What is the core mission of Brookfield Assisted Living?


A: At the heart of our endeavors at Brookfield Assisted Living are our core values. It's what we're truly proud of, and it's evident in the satisfaction of our residents. To start, we always make our residents the top priority, without exception. Meeting the needs of our residents every step of the way couldn't be more important.


We create individualized care plans for everyone, modifying the plan as needed. Part of providing a resident's individualized program is getting to know their personal interests, which is why we put so much time and effort into our activities program. When a resident engages in activities they enjoy, their well-being benefits tremendously.


Our facilities provide a safe and secure environment at all costs, with caregivers on duty at all times. Within this safe and secure environment is a nurturing family atmosphere. Our residents bond by having fun and taking part in engaging opportunities. Finally, our residents are treated with respect and kindness above all.

Additional Information About Senior Living and Memory Care at Brookfield Assisted Living

Many people looking to help their senior loved one transition to an assisted living facility, particularly those with dementia or another cognitive impairment, put their trust in us to help them make that transition because of our sheer dedication. With Brookfield Assisted Living, seniors and other residents live fulfilling lives with only the assistance that's needed.


In addition to the liberty of all residents to lead the life they like comes the opportunity to enjoy the company of visitors whenever they desire. Residents can also enjoy pet ownership, a great addition to life at Brookfield.


Residents at Brookfield don't have to worry about housekeeping as our staff works diligently to maintain a clean environment for everyone at all times. Laundry is also taken care of, so residents can sit back and relax.


All meals are at no extra cost and made to maximize the health of our residents. Meals are expertly prepared with copious nutrition and made to fit the needs of everyone. Our kitchen even takes requests and does its best to prepare unique meals just the way a resident likes it.


At Brookfield Assisted Living, we offer amenities that allow our residents to feel completely at home, equipped with everything they need to lead enjoyable lives. These amenities include:


●      Large private apartments

●      Private accessible showers

●      Courtyard and patio apartments

●      A large-screen TV room

●      Pets allowed

●      Smoke alarms and sprinkler systems

●      A private dining room

●      Smoke-free environment

●      A variety of floor plans

●      Wide and well-lit hallways

●      Full-size refrigerators and kitchenettes


These amenities are always up-to-date and give our residents the experience of living with the freedom to do whatever they'd like at their own pace.


At Brookfield Assisted Living, you can count on us to provide your loved ones with a secure and comfortable community where they can truly thrive and enjoy their golden years. For information about our amenities and services at Brookfield, please visitour website today to learn more.