The Benefits of Making Friends for Seniors over 60

Having a close-knit friends circle who have got your back can make your golden years exciting. As you grow older and start to watch your children build their own lives, these friendships become even more important. If you’re in your sixties or older, you are most likely watching your grown children settle in with their own families. Although this is a practical change that is bound to happen, it can also lead to feelings of loneliness and, in some cases, loss of a sense of purpose.

According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the risk of loneliness increases with age, bringing with it several negative effects, including reduction in life expectancy. In another study published by Science Daily, it was found that people who had lost their partners felt less lonely after they started participating in social gatherings and volunteering services. 

Good friendships can help improve your health, boost your well-being, and also help you live longer. There are numerous studies showing the positive effects of healthy social connections on physical and mental health. Here is how you can start making friends and new connections even if you’re over 60. 

How to Make Friends When You’re Older

1. Attend Social Gatherings

Social gatherings can be a wonderful place to meet old friends and neighbors, and get introduced to new people. This is best done in a familiar environment where you can start building conversations over similar interests. 

2. Take up a Part-Time Job or Volunteer Work

Giving back to the community after years of service can be an empowering experience, especially for senior citizens. This is an interactive activity where you can meet like-minded folks, exchange experiences, and share stories. Organizations like schools, shelters, and healthcare centers often require volunteers. You can engage in part-time gigs to sharpen your skills and give yourself a social getaway.

3. Starting Exercising with a Group

Joining a fitness group for adults can be a fantastic way to stay active and meet new people. There are a variety of options like walking groups, yoga sessions, aerobics, and dance classes. Some of these are also specifically designed to match the pace requirements of senior citizens, 

4. Join Support Groups


Support groups give you a sense of belonging and community, depending on whatever it is that you are going through. It not only gives validation to your experiences but also acts as a safe space as you fight your challenges. These groups can help seniors tackle loneliness and give them a purpose to look forward to. 

5. Learn a New Skill

Learning a new skill can help people connect with other like-minded people and keep their mind engaged. Whether it is learning new software, an art form, or a new language, learning a new skill is a terrific way to increase your curiosity and keep you away from negative thoughts. 

6. Join a Religious or Spiritual Service Group

Going to a place of worship or joining a religious group is another way to find people you relate to. Religion can be a powerful binding force that brings people together and offers opportunities to serve in the community. Similarly, you can also find spiritual groups. 

7. Invite Neighbors

Invite your neighbors over for a cup of coffee or meet a friend over lunch outside. This can be a wonderful way to start a conversation which eventually may lead to friendship. 

8. Go on a Date

You can start something new at any age. The same applies to dating. Companionship is important, and not having one due to losing a partner can be a daunting experience. You can meet people through friends or sign up for online dating apps specially meant for people over 50. 

9. Travel

Traveling gives you a change of environment and opportunities to meet people. This can be very refreshing in the midst of your everyday life by allowing you to interact, and also meet and bond with people from various backgrounds.

10. Connect with People Online

There are activity groups based on common interests, and you can easily find them online. During the process of researching, enquiring, and making a decision, you can find a group that aligns with your interests. You can find these groups on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. 

What are the benefits of making friends when you get older?

1. Improved Mental Health

Human connections cannot be replaced even with the latest of technologies. Such connections have a significant impact on your mental health. It can help you get rid of your loneliness and improve your well-being, especially when you are around people of the same age group. 

2. Better Physical Health

Adults who have a solid social circle have lower chances of getting age-related conditions like cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and even cancer. 

3. Lesser Risk for Dementia

Staying connected with people automatically keeps you up to date about the happenings of your surroundings and the world at large. Keeping your mind occupied with new ideas is a great way to keep your memory sharp. This helps slows down cognitive decline and reduces the risk of dementia. 

4. Higher Chances of Longevity

Studies have shown that adults with a good social support system live longer than those living in isolation. This is true regardless of your health conditions. Social connections keep you happy and fulfilled—and what could be more important than that? When you are happy, you are bound to function better, and sometimes you may even be capable of fighting long-term illnesses. 

5. Gives You a Purpose

When you have a healthy friends circle, it starts affecting your thoughts and sometimes directs you to a larger purpose. This can be something that you have always wanted to pursue but couldn't in your younger days, like writing a book, teaching young kids, experimenting with your culinary skills, and more. 

What Are the Negative Effects of Loneliness?

1. Long-Term Illnesses

A report by the World Health Organization indicated that senior citizens who lived in isolation were more likely to experience illnesses like chronic lung disease, arthritis, anxiety, depression, and difficulty in movement compared to those who have strong social connections. 

2. Higher Chances of Dementia

The symptoms of dementia begin with a slight tendency to forget things and eventually hamper the brain's regular functioning. Studies have proved that if the brain is engaged with problem-solving activities and interactions, it can reduce the risk of this condition. Some studies even suggest that feelings of loneliness in adults can increase the risk of dementia by about 40%. 

3. Increased Risk of Death

According to the National Institute of Health, individuals with symptoms of depression or loneliness have a 45% greater risk of death and a 59% greater risk of mental and physical decline.

4. Risk of Heart Disease

The CDC reports that adults who are lonely or have been socially isolated for a long time are 29% more likely to develop coronary heart disease and 32% more likely to have a stroke than those socially engaged.

Tips to Help You Make Friends at a Senior Assisted Living

The thought of making friends in an unfamiliar environment can be overwhelming. We invite you to visit our center and experience our services and amenities. Brookfield Assisted Living is dedicated to providing the best care to seniors in Arkansas, offering the best services for assisted living, complete with great amenities and highly trained staff. Check out our programs and social activities to understand the culture and environment in our communities. Here are some activities you can engage in as a member of the Brookfield Assisted Living Community:

1. Participate in group activities

2. Interact with like-minded individuals

3. Have meals together

4. Attend group meetings

5. Go for walks together

Assisted Living can give you an environment where you can meet and interact with people and direct you towards a brighter future. Living with a community in a clean space with nutritious meals can surely improve your health. Moving to an assisted home is one of the best long-term investments. Whether you require personal care or memory care, we have the support, experience, and compassion to help your loved one live a safe and happy life.Contact us today to learn how Brookfield Senior Living can help you get the most out of your retirement.